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cigar case

Cigar case is a common item in acrobatics, which looks like a wooden box used by upper class people to hold cigars in the past, so it is named cigar case. However, nowadays, various plastic cigar cases, EVA cigar cases, and leather cigar cases are also very common. With the use of cigar cases, miscellaneous technicians can perform many different changes, including high-speed box swapping in the air, balance techniques, and other moves. Cigar cases are essential acrobatic props in traditional gentleman style acrobatic performances. Most cigar case performances are completed using three cigar cases; Very few miscellaneous technicians use more than three cigar cases in their performances. In 1977, Kris Kremo set the Guinness World Record for throwing a box and turning four laps before catching it. In 1994, Kristian Kristof broke Kris Kremo's record by completely throwing three boxes and turning four laps before catching it.

Cigar case usage and maintenance

When many people receive new cigar cases, they eagerly place cigars in the cigar case. However, if you place the cigar in the cigar case without re humidification, the cigar will break. Why? Because most cigar cases are made of dehydrated cedar wood. Therefore, due to the water absorption properties of wood, when a cigar is placed in a cigar case, the wooden cigar case will absorb the moisture of the cigar, which will cause the cigar to lose moisture and become hardened. So, before using cigar case for the first time, it is necessary to add more moisture to avoid the problem of cigars being sucked dry.

Cigar case humidification methold

cig holder case
1. Place a small wine glass or other humidification device filled with distilled water at the bottom of the cigar case.
2. Fill the humidifier and place it in the cigar case.
3. Place the humidity meter containing the scale in the cigar case.
4. Close the cigar case cover.
5. Check the hygrometer daily when the humidity is between 68 ° and 72 °. The wooden cigar case will remain stable. Attention: Do not wipe the interior of the cigar case with water to prevent the wood of the cigar case from corroding.
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The most expensive cigar case

In 2007, the international tobacco peak - the 330000 euro cedar Cuban cigar case was named the best cigar case
Reason for election: A cigar case and 160 cigars are so tall, it's truly amazing!
At the 9th Havana International Cigar Festival in March, the only distributor of Cuban cigars in the Asia Pacific region, Pacific Cigar Company, spent 330000 euros (approximately $436000) to purchase a cedar wood cigar box containing 160 premium cigars. The company's generous approach is not only aimed at making a name for itself, but also supported by even more enthusiastic cigar collectors who are not worried about not being able to sell, and have the confidence to make a big profit!
cigar leather cases
cigar leather cases
cigar leather cases

Cigar case hygrometer

Install humidity meters with scales in all cigar cases (excluding travel cigar case).

Most cigar smokers mistakenly believe that cigar cases will spoil if not stored in an environment with a humidity of 70 ° C. The humidity range for safe storage of cigars is from 66% to 79%. In fact, some people believe that the ideal humidity for smoking is 80 ° C, while the ideal humidity for storage is 70 ° C. (Obviously, different cigar cases should be used for different purposes.) As long as the humidity of cigar cases is within the range of 70 ° -80 ° C, it is safe. Some people prefer relatively damp cigars, while others prefer relatively dry cigars. Cigar smokers can choose the appropriate humidity range for storing their cigars according to their preferences, and store the cigars in that humidity range of the environment.

It doesn't matter where the hygrometer is placed, as long as you know where it is located. It is best to have air flowing around the hygrometer to ensure that the cigar is fully humidified. Placing a hygrometer or similar method on the cover of a cigar case is the best method.

If you check the humidity meter and find that the cigar is slightly dry. Distilled water can be added to the humidifier and the mixture of propylene glycol/giga case solvent and the required distilled water can be adjusted. The humidity in different locations at home and at different times throughout the year may constantly change, and you may need to try many times to find the best method. A good experience is to use distilled water to increase the moisture content of the cigar case while using solvents to reduce the moisture content of the cigar case.

Cigar Travel Case

Travel cigar case

With the development of modern industry, the use of EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer) materials is becoming increasingly widespread. It is a non-toxic, odorless, and lightweight thermoplastic. EVA materials have excellent elasticity, flexibility, transparency, insulation, low-temperature flexibility, weather resistance, and chemical corrosion resistance, and are widely used in the manufacturing of wire and cable materials, films, and other molded products and mixtures, automotive industry components, adhesives, coatings, and so on. At present, EVA plastic is often used to make various storage cases and boxes. Using EVA plastic to make guitar storage cases has many advantages, and EVA plastic cigar cases are increasingly favored by cigar users.
  • cigar travel case
  • cigar travel case
  • cigar travel case
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Cigar leather cases

The most portable and durable cigar cases belong to cigar leather cases, which are generally made of cowhide and pine wood, and some are stitch leather cigar cases. Just sew the cowhide and zipper together to create a very sturdy and durable leather cigar case.
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  • cigar leather cases
  • cigar leather cases
  • cigar leather cases

Cigar leather travel case

It would be great for cigar enthusiasts to have a dedicated cigar travel case during their travels, where they can store all the cigars they need during the journey. Of course, it would be even better if this cigar travel case is a cigar leather travel case, which can be waterproof, sunscreen, and maintain the moisture of the cigar, keeping it in a fresh state.
Cigar carrying case
Cigar carrying case
cigar leather travel case

Cigar carrying case

This travel cigar case is made of elastic EVA and soft silicone material. The biggest feature of these materials is their light weight, excellent sealing, and ample space, allowing for 10-20 cigars to be placed simultaneously. If you are a travel cigar case seller, you can choose leather or canvas fabric for this cigar case, We can also set up a handle for this travel cigar case, which becomes a cigar carrying case.

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