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cigar leather cases

Cigars are one of the symbols of gentlemanly taste and status, and a delicate and portable leather cigar case or a unique leather cigar case can enhance the level of cigars, add points to the gentlemanly demeanor of cigar owners, and enhance social image.

Luxury leather cigar case

High end leather cigar cases typically have unique color tones that showcase the individuality of the cigar case. Moreover, the functions are very complete, and this type of leather cigar case is equipped with a humidifier and a hygrometer inside, which professionally maintains the quality of the cigar; Moreover, many Luxury leather cigar cases are specially customized, and there are many types of cigar case leather available for users to choose from, such as crocodile leather cigar case or cow leather cigar case.

Leather cigar case

luxury leather cigar case
Leather cigar moisturizing cases can provide the protection that cigars should have. Cigar leather cases come in many different shapes and sizes, most of which are relatively large and not suitable for us to carry out. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a suitable portable cigar moisturizing box. At present, in addition to the necessary portability, moisturizing, and protection of cigars, most portable humidifiers also have a variety of shapes and materials that many cigar enthusiasts are concerned about. Today, we will talk about the material selection of portable cigar humidifiers.
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Differ leather cigar cases

The vast majority of portable cigar moisturizing cases on the market are leather cigar cases. With the evolution of the times, there are also cigar cases made of wood, metal, carbon fiber, PE and other materials. The purpose of making all types of cigar cases is to make it easier for us to carry cigars and maintain their freshness in a short period of time. So, how do we choose portable cigar moisturizers made of various materials?
cigar leather cases
Metal leather cigar case
leather cigar cases

Metal leather cigar case

As a major miracle of human industry, it is not surprising that metal products are used to make cigar moisturizing cases. Currently, many portable cigar moisturizing cases on the market adopt a metal tube design, which is not only an outer packaging but also a high-quality portable cigar case. However, when metal pipes are used to load cigars, the edges of the cigar are easily in contact with the sharp metal pipe opening, which can cause damage to the cigar. Moreover, the metal tube has good thermal conductivity, so the internal environment of the tube is greatly affected by the external environment, so it can only be used as a short-term carrying cigar.

The biggest problem is that the metal pipes are relatively heavy. If you have to smoke multiple cigars a day, you need to buy more pipes, which makes it inconvenient to carry. Due to the hardness of the metal, it is best to add some cedar wood chips to protect the cigar when storing it and cover the metal cigar case with leather, giving it a look like a leather metal cigar case.

Wood leather cigar case

Wooden cigar cases have always been excellent moisturizing cases, so many portable cigar moisturizing cases are also made of wood. They are usually made of wood such as cedar and oak. Due to the characteristics of wood and cigars, preserving cigars will have a better effect. However, it is important to be careful not to store it outdoors for too long, as wood can easily absorb moisture, causing the cigar to lose its elasticity, which may result in the cigar skin cracking. Therefore, it should always be stored in an environment with higher relative humidity to avoid drying. There is also a very obvious drawback, wooden materials may be larger and not too sturdy compared to other materials. Nowadays, many visually appealing wood cigar cases are combined with leather to create mixed cigar cases.
  • Wood leather cigar case
  • Wood leather cigar case
  • Wood leather cigar case
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leather cigar cases

It is a matter of personal taste to choose which material to use for the tube box, but leather is definitely the preferred choice for many experienced cigar smokers. The portable cigar moisturizing case made of leather looks very, very high-quality, and also has a very textured feel. The important thing is that it is lightweight and can also be placed in the pocket of the top. But when choosing a case made of leather, it is best not to choose a closed case. Although the leather material usually has almost no taste, if it is closed for too long, there will also be a slight leather smell on the cigar.
Leather also absorbs moisture, which may cause cigars to dry out. Therefore, it is also recommended that you add some Spanish cedar wood to it, which not only reduces the smell of leather, but also allows the cigar to moisturize for a short time.
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  • Cigar leather case
  • leather cigar cases
  • leather cigar cases

Carbon fiber leather cigar case

At present, carbon fiber is widely used, which is an extremely lightweight and sturdy material, making it a very suitable choice for portable moisturizing boxes. The carbon fiber cigar case has a very textured appearance and is also very light, making it suitable for carrying around. It has no problem when placed in the shirt pocket, and has a very good moisturizing effect on the cigar in a short period of time. The only drawback of carbon fiber leather cigar cases is that the available types are very limited and very expensive. The reason is that the process of carbon fiber is complex and expensive. But if conditions permit, it is still recommended that you buy one and give it a try, as its advantages are quite obvious.
Carbon fiber leather cigar case
Carbon fiber leather cigar case
Carbon fiber leather cigar case

Cigar leather case

It is a matter of personal taste to choose which material to use for the tube box, but leather is definitely the preferred choice for many experienced cigar smokers. The portable cigar moisturizing case made of leather looks very, very high-quality, and also has a very textured feel. The important thing is that it is lightweight and can also be placed in the pocket of the top. But when choosing a box made of leather, it is best not to choose a closed box. Although the leather material usually has almost no taste, if it is closed for too long, there will also be a slight leather smell on the cigar.

Leather also absorbs moisture, which may cause cigars to dry out. Therefore, it is also recommended that you add some Spanish cedar wood to it, which not only reduces the smell of leather, but also allows the cigar to moisturize for a short time.

Cigar leather travel case

For many people who have been smoking cigars for a long time, due to the high risk of losing moisture and causing the taste to change, it is best for cigar enthusiasts to have a leather cigar travel case when going out or traveling, which is too convenient. So, what is the difference between a cigar leather travel case and a regular cigar case and a leather cigar case? Compared to ordinary cigar cases, the cigar travel case leather is very portable and compact. If it is an outdoor leather cigar case, the space is smaller, and even can only store 2 or 3 cigars, meeting the daily cigar consumption. This leather travel cigar case generally does not have wood or humidifier, but the sealing of this short distance travel leather cigar case is very good, so it can effectively preserve the cigar in a short period of time.
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  • Cigar leather travel case
  • Cigar leather travel case
  • Cigar leather travel case
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